Here we go again.

The reverb and sustain thing has so many possibilities and this is a good one that may enjoy a certain revival. Hints at the old speaking tubes of Zeppelins and an age before even the carbon microphone.

Also I kinda forgotten about the whole DIY thing around tape op and I wish we could get the mags here as opposed to all those digi store bought equped and ready to have the biggest best monitors magazines that just feed a blinded addiction to having been told what to do and how money and the right source of mojo can solve all our problems…of self.
what is it?
oh, thats what it is.
From this thread
Coupla 600 ohm dynamic mic capsules, not necessary to dismantle your sm57’s I’m sure, and some garden hose plus a headphone driver amp and a preamp with a little EQ… though they do mention a little post high added in… and you have a modern version of a speaker tube… or two tins and some string.

I also found this place on my searches to understand carbon mics and it was thoroughly entertaining and I want his books.

Isn’t this just kinda weird. K.I.S.S.

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